Environmentalism and Anti-Environmentalism Resources & Links 

This page lists and links to extensive resources for research about environmentalism, anti-environmentalism, animal rights, and related topics.

Contact Information: To reach Robert Bidinotto, and to obtain information about his availability for speeches and media interviews, write him at: contact@ecoNOT.com

Blog: Robert Bidinotto maintains a "blog" where he comments frequently on a range of current topics, including his criticisms of environmentalism. To visit his blog, click here.

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Recommended Publications

This selection is the initial installment of what will be an ever-expanding list of critiques of environmentalism and environmentalist groups. Many publications below can be obtained online by clicking the hyperlinks, or at online retailers such as Amazon.com. For out-of-print titles, check bookfinder.com

The History and Philosophy of Environmentalism

Alston Chase, In a Dark Wood: The Fight Over Forests and the Rising Tyranny of Ecology (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1995). Chase’s magisterial book is easily the best available history and analysis of environmentalism, both as a philosophy and as a movement. A former environmentalist, and a brilliant philosopher and journalist, Chase provides a revealing account of the contributions of the philosophers and other intellectuals who shaped the contemporary movement, as well as a thorough history and criticism of the environmental movement. Must reading!

Robert James Bidinotto, The Green Machine (Poughkeepsie, NY: The Objectivist Center, 1993). In this monograph, the publisher of ecoNOT.com surveys the history, philosophy, and organized scare campaigns of the environmentalist movement. A a devastating criticism of environmentalism.

Robert James Bidinotto, Green Cathedrals: Modern Spiritual Poverty and the Rise of Environmentalism (Poughkeepsie, NY: The Objectivist Center, 1999). Why has the environmentalist philosophy captured the hearts and minds of millions? In this recorded lecture, Mr. Bidinotto traces environmentalism's intellectual roots to its sources in Western mythology, religion, and philosophy.

Paul Driessen, Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death (Bellevue, WA: Free Enterprise Press, 2003). A powerful indictment of environmentalism's many deadly impacts upon millions of struggling people in the Third World. Driessen exposes the horrific body counts in developing nations that mount from green opposition to fossil fuels and hydro-electric power, biotechnology, modern agricultural methods, and pesticides. His book convincingly demolishes any "idealistic" pretenses of the environmental movement.

Charles E. Tomlinson, A View From My Stump (Cherokee, AL: D. R. Virtue Press, 1992). In witty essays and charming stories, a lifelong professional forester explores the true relationship of man and nature, demolishing familiar environmental fallacies along the way.

Anna Bramwell, Ecology in the 20th Century (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1989). A scholarly look at the modern thinkers who most proximately shaped the environmental movement.

Jo Kwong Echard, Protecting the Environment: Old Rhetoric, New Imperatives (Washington, DC: Capital Research Center, 1990). A probing look at leading environmentalist organizations.

Environmentalism Vs. Science and Economics

While ecoNOT.com's focus is philosophical, science and economics offer important anti-environmentalist critiques that buttress the philosophical case against the movement.

Ronald Bailey, Eco-Scam: The False Prophets of Ecological Apocalypse (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993). Science writer Bailey ably refutes environmentalist doomsaying over climate change, the ozone hole, population growth, resource depletion, and much more.

Ronald Bailey, ed., Earth Report 2000: Revisiting the True State of the Planet (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000). A myth-busting examination of a host of environmental scares by a team of experts.

Ronald Bailey, ed., Global Warming and Other Eco-Myths: How the Environmental Movement Uses False Science to Scare Us to Death (Roseville, CA: Prima Publishing, 2002). Another panel of scientific and economic authorities debunk a wide range of environmentalist fallacies and scare campaigns. The statistical tables alone constitute a damning indictment of eco-hysteria.

Michael Crichton, State of Fear. This bestselling novel is fiction, but of a rare sort: it takes ideas seriously. Within the pages of this fast-moving thriller, scientifically-trained author Crichton incorporates factual refutations of the scaremongering over global warming -- and even adds a nonfiction Afterword and an extensive bibliography for additional reading. A painless, even enjoyable, way to get up to speed on this important topic.

Bjorn Lomborg, The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the True State of the World (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2001). Lomborg, an environmentalist but a careful statistician, caused an international uproar with this volume that statistically demolishes the catastrophic scare claims of environmentalists across a broad spectrum of issues.

Ben Bolch and Harold Lyons, Apocalypse Not: Science, Economics and Environmentalism (Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 1993). The authors--an economist and a chemist--weigh environmentalist contentions against scientific analysis and economic reasoning, and find environmentalism wanting on both counts.

Angela Logomasini and David Riggs, ed., The Environmental Source 2002 (Washington, DC: Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2002). Researchers and analysts address the most pressing environmental worries of our time, offering policy makers intelligent recommendations.

Michael Sanera and Jane S. Shaw, Facts Not Fear: Teaching Children About the Environment (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1999). An outstanding guide for teachers and students that examines a host of environmental problems with sober objectivity and without hysteria. A refreshing antidote to most of what passes for "environmental science" in the classroom.

Patrick J. Michaels and Robert C. Balling, The Satanic Gases: Clearing the Air About Global Warming (Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 2000). Two expert climatologists review the scientific evidence underlying the global warming scare, and argue convincingly that climate change will be small and benign, not huge and catastrophic.

Patrick J. Michaels, Sound and Fury: The Science and Politics of Global Warming (Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 1992). Though Dr. Michaels' Satanic Gases presents more recent scientific data, his chapter on "political science"--the manipulation of science by environmentalists inside and outside government--is worth the price of the book.

Thomas Gale Moore, Climate of Fear: Why We Shouldn't Worry about Global Warming (Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 1998). An economist looks at the history of climate change, and shows how predicted warming would be an economic and health boon, not a disaster.

S. Fred Singer, Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate (Independent Institute, revised edition, April 1999). A renowned astrophysicist takes on the purveyors of "junk science" regarding the Mother of All Environmental Scares: global warming.

Cassandra Chrones Moore, Haunted Housing: How Toxic Scare Stories Are Spooking the Public Out of House and Home (Washington, DC: Cato Institute, 1997). Terrified about the threats of radon, lead, asbestos, and electromagnetic fields in your home? This book will sooth your anxieties, but arouse your ire at environmentalist scaremongers.

Charles E. Tomlinson, "How Private Ownership Saved the Southern Forest." An excellent ecoNOT.com guest opinion article by a veteran forest manager, showing that private property--not government management, or environmentalist neglect--has been the key to restoring America's southern forests, "one of the greatest natural resource management triumphs in the history of man."

Michael Fumento, Science Under Siege: Balancing Technology and the Environment (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1996). Investigative journalist Fumento exposes toxic terrorism campaigns on pesticides, cancer, dioxin, food irradiation, electrical and magnetic fields, and much more. Brilliant and eye-opening.

Organizations and Online Resources

Though the following groups may not consistently share the philosophical outlook championed at ecoNOT.com, they nonetheless offer valuable research and perspectives on specific environmental issues.

A Better Earth--This Web site, aimed especially at a student audience, focuses on "taking decidedly more pragmatic approaches to solving environmental problems." This "soft-sell" pragmatism extends, regrettably, to advocacy of a "new environmentalism" whose eclectic premises include a number of philosophical contradictions, and to its overly positive portrait of certain environmentalist groups, such as the scandal-ridden Nature Conservancy. But for the critical visitor, the site does offer a host of sound perspectives and links to worthwhile information, as well.

ActivistCash.com--An outstanding database of information on environmentalist, animal rights, and "food police" activists, maintained by the Center for Consumer Freedom (see their listing below). An excellent complement to the "Greenwatch" database maintained by the Capital Research Center (also listed below).

AgBioWorld--Web site maintained by Dr. C. S. Prakash, an internationally renowned champion of biotechnology. Sign up here for his online newsletter, AgBioView, which covers up-to-the-minute developments in the controversies over genetically modified food and other biotech issues.

American Council on Science and Health--an outstanding organization of medical, health, and scientific authorities led by Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, dedicated to countering popular fads and fallacies in the health field, including those put forth by environmentalists.

American Land Rights Association--ALRA is a grassroots activist coalition that fights to open up government-held land, parks, and resources for greater private access and use. This pits them squarely against the environmentalist lobby.

Americans for Medical Progress--a highly reputable educational organization that defends biomedical research using laboratory animals, and combats the spurious claims of animal rights activists.

Animal Crackers--Dr. Brian O'Connor, former Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology from the Indiana University School of Medicine, maintains this excellent Web log that exposes the destructive activities of "animal rights" proponents.

AnimalRights.net--a Web site opposing the animal rights movement, and a source of detailed information on all aspects of the animal rights controversy.

Cato Institute--one of the largest, most effective public policy research groups in the nation, Cato publishes many important books and studies countering environmentalist propaganda.

Center for Consumer Freedom--an association of restaurants and food industry companies that promotes free consumer choice in foods, and takes on "food police" regulators, anti-biotechnology activists, and animal rights groups.

Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise--upholds private property rights and "wise use" of natural resources, while exposing the activities of environmentalist and animal rights organizations.

Competitive Enterprise Institute--foremost among anti-environmentalist public policy organizations in Washington, DC, CEI not only publishes top-notch research, but also mounts effective media and political opposition to environmentalist policy initiatives.

Cumulative Impacts--Unique Web blog of Susan Bird, J. D., maintained for federal environmental attorneys, but very useful for anyone interested in breaking news concerning environmental laws and regulations.

Defenders of Property Rights--educates, litigates, and lobbies on behalf of property owners, taking on government regulators and environmental groups.

Environmental Health--an archive of valuable material on environmental health and science scams, located on the Web site of the American Council on Science and Health.

Foundation for Biomedical Research--oldest and largest group of medical and scientific professionals educating the public on the vital importance of the use of animals in research, and countering the lies of the animal rights movement.

GreenWatch.com--a project of the Capital Research Center, which studies public policy organizations, this Web page reports on the activities of prominent environmentalist groups. You can also research the backgrounds of organizations on Capital Research Center's extensive online database.

Greenie Watch--An entertaining and educational blog carrying the latest news on environmentalism, maintained by Dr. John J. Ray, an Australian social scientist and anti-environmentalist writer.

HealthFactsandFears.com--a Web site of the American Council on Science and Health, and an excellent online source of reputable information to counter environmentalist health scares.

Heartland Institute--a public policy research group that maintains an impressive online archive of background material on environmental topics.

JunkScience.com--site founder Steven Milloy is a tireless gadfly of the purveyors of "junk science," and his Web site is a terrific source of up-to-the-minute, myth-busting information on environmentalist nonsense.

National Animal Interest Alliance--"If you love animals and treasure the human-animal bond but oppose animal rights extremism, you've come to the right place!" A good resource on this topic, and the antics of these misanthropic activists.

The Objectivist Center--research and advocacy organization that promotes the philosophical foundations of principled individualism.

Property Rights--Web site established by Erich Veyhl exposing the efforts by environmentalists and the National Park Service to seize private property throughout New England.

PropertyRightsResearch.org--Julie Smithson's website hosts a vast archive of research on issues related to environmentalism, land rights and much more. You can mine this site endlessly for useful information.

Science & Environmental Policy Project--headed by astrophysicist S. Fred Singer, SEPP is best known for bringing cool reason to bear on the hot topic of climate change.

The Westerner--an impressive, meticulously detailed blog covering breaking news on environmentalism, property rights, endangered species, and related issues of concern to people living in the West. Maintained by Frank Dubois, former New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture.


Site Acknowledgments

Many individuals gave generously of their time, advice, encouragement, and feedback during the development of this Web site. I wish to thank the following people for their valuable input--but I must also emphasize that they should not be held responsible for any aspect of the site's design, nor any of its editorial content:

Larry Abrams, Charles R. Anderson, Iris Bell, Nathaniel Branden, David M. Brown, Stephen Browne, Wayne Caverly, Tony Conte, Stephen Cox, Howard Dickman, Jamie Dorrian, Marsha Enright, Susie Floyd, Cathleen Foster, Herb Grossman, Carl Harvey, Don Hauptman, Molly Hays, Donald Heath, Robert Hessen, Stephen Hicks, Erika Holzer, Henry Mark Holzer, Edward Hudgins, Eleonora Ioffe, Jim Jeck, Russell LaValle, Claudia Levine, Susan McCloskey, Ilana Mercer, Karen and Rick Minto, Alan M. Paul, Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Duncan Scott, Cynthia Slate, Robert Smith, Charles E. Tomlinson, Janet Torres, Erich Veyhl, Francisco Villalobos, Elliott Werner, Lindsay Wilcox, and Cathy Wilson.

Finally, I am especially grateful to writing and editing consultant David M. Brown for invaluable feedback and suggestions for this site and for my article "Environmentalism or Individualism?" Visit his Web site for information on his writing and editing services.

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